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Spring Tips for Whole Body Wellness

Moving into the spring season there are many ways we can nourish our whole bodies...

Here are 5 great ways to start the Spring season with a pep in your step....

  1. Add more seasonal fruits and vegetables to your plate: artichokes, arugula, asparagus, avocados & grapefruit… are among some of my faves.

  2. Play with growing one of your favorite summer vegetables from seed. Now is the perfect time to start growing your seedlings inside, to be transplanted outside later this spring.

  3. Make time to digitally detach. Hide your phone for an hour a day and really be present IN REAL LIFE.

  4. Take meditative walk - activating all your senses. There is so much budding up in nature, from the daffodils to the crocuses. Even twenty minutes a day walking out in nature as an opportunity to smell, hear, see, and absorb the fresh air does wonders for the WHOLE body.

  5. Make time to connect with people who make your soul sing. Plan a dinner, get together for coffee, schedule a phone call with someone who is far. Connection with others who support and love you, making you laugh or even cry, is the greatest type of nourishment for the soul.

We welcome you to join us at HHF for one of our upcoming events where we explore all the ways we can nourish our bodies on our plates and away from the table. Please join us for one of our community events - a wellness retreat or our Nourish Cooking Circles.

Happy New Year, Happy Spring.

May we all seed, nourish, water and grow the best versions of ourselves and by extension create healthy and joyful connections with others.



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